Chapter 11 Casino Rama: First Nations Self-Determination Neoliberal Solution or Partial Middle Ground?

Chapter 11 Casino Rama: First Nations Self-Determination, Neoliberal Solution, or Partial Middle Ground? was published in First Nations Gaming in Canada on page 255.

From the book First Nations Gaming in Canada

  • Darrell Manitowabi Front MatterContentsAcknowledgementsIntroductionLegal Historical IssuesToward an Innovative Understanding of North American Indigenous Gaming in Historical PerspectiveThe Mohawks of Kahnawá:ke and the Case for an Aboriginal Right to Gaming Under the Constitution act, 1982Virtual Sovereignty: Exploring Canadian First Nations Internet Gaming VenturesSocio-Economic and Research ConsiderationsA Framework for Assessing the Socio-Economic Impacts of GamblingGambling Research in Canadian Aboriginal Communities: AParticipatory Action ApproachExploring Gambling Impacts in two Alberta Cree Communities: A Participatory Action StudyFirst Nations Gaming and Urban Aboriginal Peoples in Alberta: Does an Economic “Fit” Exist?HealthGambling and Problem Gambling in North American Indigenous PeoplesGambling Behaviours Among Aboriginal Peoples: Indigenous and Critical Socio-Ecological PerspectivesChallenges and First Nations GamingFirst Nations Approach to Securing Public Trust: Siga’s Corporate Response to the Dutch Lerat Affair, 2000–2004Casino Rama: First Nations Self-Determination, Neoliberal Solution, or Partial Middle Ground?Labour Unions and First Nations Casinos: An Uneasy RelationshipSelected BibliographyContributors

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